ERP Implementation

Why Choose Tech Receptives for ERP Implementation ?

ERP Implementation is the most crucial element of any business transformation process, a right implementation not only saves time and money but can give a huge boost to the growth of an organization.

At TechReceptives we offer end-to-end ERP implementation and works strategically to get the best result out of the ERP implementation.

Implementation Banner

Below are the steps, we take to ensure that ERP is implemented efficiently and effectively.

Approaching the Problem At Hand

Clear understanding organization requirements and future strategy is the most preferred way to achieve best results. Evaluation current pain points and assessing the right solution for better functionality and productivity.

Approaching the Problem At Hand
Agile Methodology At Work

Agile Methodology At Work

We understand the importance of time for any business. Our work ethics dictates the implementation process, and it goes through a series of steps to ensure the best results.

Requirement Research

The secret of a successful implementation is thorough requirement research. In this step, we develop specifications, QA, workflow and other important parameters analysis based on the organizational activities.


With clear requirement research, the next step is to correctly access the different metrics with the organization and help the key members to understand the key risks of the ERP implementation.

Project Planning

In project planning phase, we define the project activities and end results that will be performed and describe how activities will be accomplished.

Business Modelling

We go through your current organization business model and amend the system to work according to your business model and according to best business practices for the processes.

Solution Design

With proper solution design, we alway strive to make day-to-day activities a breeze to achieve greater productivity and work satisfaction.

Getting ERP up and running

With all the vital steps complete, we proceed with the ERP deployment and make it a success for you.

Data Transfer

With all the configuration and implementation done, it is high time to get started with the Data transfer from old system to the new system. The data transfer is done in a systematic manner so that no data is lost or duplicated.

Data Transfer


Training is one of the most vital steps to completely utilize the whole system. A well-designed training plan makes it easy for organizational users to adapt the change.

How We Help Businesses To Grow



Requirements Research
Project Planning
Solution Design



GAP Analysis
Prioritize Business Needs
Process Mapping



OffShore Resources
Dedicated Development Team
Transparent Delivery Model



Object Identification
Data Mapping
Technology Collaboration



Business Process Analysis
Process Recomendation
Quality Review



Technical Training
Functional Training
Administration Training



Existing System Analysis
Data Extraction
Data Cleansing



Preventive Maintenance
Bug Fixes